We for Humanity

Holocaust survivors see it as their duty to use their knowledge to protect fellow human beings.

Holocaust survivors hand over a letter of appeal to the EMA
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On August 25, 2021, Holocaust survivors and their relatives submitted an open letter to the European Medicines Agency (EMA) in Amsterdam. They accuse the authorities of failing to inform people about the risks and consequences of the novel Covid therapy.

”Honest disclosure of the true number of people injured, severely injured and deceased by ”vaccines“ worldwide is long overdue. We are now talking about millions of people. Provide us with the true numbers of Covid vaccine victims now,“ the authors demand.

”Please take the letter to the right person, make sure it is taken care of,“ appeals Amira Segal as she hands the letter to EMA staff. Some of her ancestors have died as a result of medical experiments.

At the end of the day, this is us who have to take care of the life, liberty and safety of our children. It is up to us to ensure that Holocaust survivors are heard, and so are each of us.

No matter what we decide, the decision must be informed, free from coercion, influence, and duress, and based on truthful data.

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