We for Humanity – Who We Are and What We Do

We are an international humanitarian association of Holocaust survivors and their descendants, as well as people of good will who share our aspiration to live in freedom, self-determination, dignity and truthfulness.

From our historical experience we warn: It is the end of any pluralistic democratic society when medicine, economy, education, science, justice, culture and media subordinate themselves to the dictates of the political executive as well as to the greed for profit.

If Jews were chosen for anything, it was – we believe – to protect people with our experience in this time of greatest need. We ask YOU to help us be heard: to share our message, to check in with those we are addressing, to send a message to your neighbors, to stand by your convictions – that is, to take responsibility for your life and the lives of others.

Contact us: info@we-for-humanity.org

All it takes is to stop obeying and you will be free.

Our Campaigns

Legacy of Vladimir Zev Zelenko

August 2024: Gender war, war against the traditional family, war against farmers, war against self-determination, wars in the Middle East and Ukraine, war against our children, war against humanity, humanity and the G*d himself. Vladimir Zev Zelenko left a legacy so that we do not allow the pull of hopelessness.

Open letter in commemoration of Clemens Arvay – Jews against media incitement

At only 42, Clemens Arvay took his own life. He was ridiculed, insulted, his expertise was denied him by people whose only expertise is to bully dissidents for pay; the usual “adjustment” of the Wicki entry was followed by the knockout blow with the anti-Semitism cudgel. Clemens was driven to his death in our name. We say ENOUGH!

Confronting State Media
We set the record straight: media abuse Holocaust to enable new Holocaust. Of all things, the “fight against Antisemitism” ensures that people behave as they did back then. The unfounded accusation was also abused to silence Prof. Sucharit Bhakdi. We are standing up for him.

We for Humanity dares to name the vaccination campaign new Holocaust
Appeal to the medical regulatory authorities to provide true numbers of the adverse effects and to stop vaccination program

Appeals at ICC in The Hague
Four countries filed joined ‘Request for Investigation’ demanding the International Criminal Court in The Hague to investigate into crimes against humanity committed by their governments and authorities. Despite damning evidence supported by the sworn affidavits of renowned experts the court does nothing. We appeal in effort to save lives. Among other things, we refer to the prohibition of injection for the Jewish fellow citizens.

Notice of Liability at the FDA
After months of the death curve following the vaccination curve in every country, we have made a desperate attempt to prevent the approval of experimental gene therapy for children 5 years and older.

Notices of Liability at German medical authorities
The ‘Safety Report’ by Paul Ehrlich Institute in Germany revealed shocking numbers of adverse effects and death in children following vaccination. These are more within few weeks than Covid caused within nearly two years. The least we can do is to make sure that they cannot plead ignorance.

Stop Fascism in Austria
November 19, 2021 is another Black Friday. Austria is about to become once again the cradle of totalitarian fascist dictatorship in Europe. We appeal and inform about the fact that once again specifically Jews will be victims of enforced medical experimentation and persecution. Attached to the letter is the Halachic Delineation, which scientifically based prohibits the injection.

Document Collection

Doctors for Covid Ethics published the most important document of the Covid Era – select your language

Halachic Delineation

WHO Standards for Sexuality Education in Europe (actually it is about early sexualization from age of 0 years)

Antisemitism – Working Definition by Jews for Justice